Meet Enna

I used to hate anything that had to do with artistic creativity, such as drawing, painting, decorating, etc. I sucked at it. A day came in middle school when I had to pick an elective and my only option was either an Art class or a Speech class. “Why oh why, why me?”, was what I cried. I hated both. Remember I said I hated and sucked at drawing, well, there was something worse than that which I feared the most, and that is speaking in front of anyone let alone in front of a group of people (that’s a story for another day). So, I had no choice but to sign up for the Art class (sigh). I told myself, if I can pass this class with even a C as my letter grade, that, my friend, is success. There was no point trying to aim for a higher grade.

But guess what, I had the most amazing teacher. He took the time with me and brought out a talent hidden inside of me that I never knew existed. Long story short, some of my drawings and paintings ended up in our school’s Art competition and I always placed in the top three. Who would have ever known that God had deposited such gifting and talent inside of me that was almost truncated by inability to recognize or discern my own creative abilities.

I have always been an avid lover and user of stationery products. Ok fine, more like I have always been obsessed with stationery products. There is something about getting my hands on new paper products that sends joy to my soul. From the crisp scent of the paper to its texture as I turn the pages and to the color of the paper, I love them all. I love the beautiful, vibrant colors of pens, markers, and highlighters.

And let us not forget sticky notes! Oh, sticky notes, how I love thee! But I never desired creating a stationery brand until the dream was planted in my heart. BelleVie Inspired Creations was birth when God planted the dream inside my heart to create a stationery brand that inspires and encourages women as they journey through life dreaming, planning, acting on their plans, and achieving their visions and goals. A stationery brand that would remind women to keep Him at the center of all their dreaming and planning as inspired by the scripture Jeremiah 29:11.

 Yours truly,

Enna, Creator & Founder of BelleVie Inspired Creations