Mindset Shifts That Will Change Your Life - BelleVie Inspired Creations

Mindset Shifts That Will Change Your Life


It was the Spring of 2017, and I couldn't wait to graduate from my master's program so that I could live my dream. What was my dream? To work my 9-5 job, come home and flop myself in front of the television, watching all my favorite shows ranging from the Housewives reality television shows, to sitcoms, to television series till late at night, then go to bed for the night, only to wake up the following morning and repeat the same cycle. I could not wait. That was my big dream! And I got to live that dream for 2 years until suddenly, my world came crashing down.

That crash forced me into choosing life or death, into choosing to stay the same way or become transformed. That crash of 2019, propelled me into the true me. The me I was created to be. It was as if suddenly, my eyes became open, and I began to see things clearly. The scales on my eyes fell off and there was a whole new world of possibilities that opened to me that I never knew existed. I made up my mind that I was not going to live a mediocre life anymore. I was going to live a life of impact and leave a legacy for generations to come. I was going to be everything I was created and purposed to be, but first, I needed a change in my mindset.

So, friend, I want to share with you some of the mindset shifts that changed my life forever and propelled me into the life of possibilities that I am living now. But before I go into the mindset shifts that I had to adopt, let us first define what mindset shift is. According to Fastercapital.com, "A mindset shift is a transformational change in the way you think, perceive, and approach life. It involves shifting your beliefs, attitudes, and habits from negative to positive, from limiting to empowering, and from fixed to growth oriented. Mindset shifts have the power to transform your life, not just in terms of achieving your goals but also in terms of your overall wellbeing."



Now, let’s dive into the five life-changing mindset shifts that have drastically changed my life and I believe would do the same for you.

1. Make up your mind that you want to change

If you are like me in 2019, ready for a change, then the very first step is to change your mind. This is the very first step in the journey of transforming your mindset because nothing changes until you change your mind. If you want to change your life, then you will have to commit yourself to doing it and not expect anyone else to be behind, backing you up. You must be willing to do it for yourself first, and to do it alone. Take charge of your life through self-commitment.

2. Focus on the positive: Adopt a growth mindset

When you feast on negativity, you will produce negativity. It is as simple as that. Whatever you consume in thoughts, in what you watch or listen to, in things that you read, is what you will end up manifesting in your life. So, I implore you to focus on positivity. Be mindful of the type of content that you consume. Be mindful of the words you speak and the thoughts you meditate on. Be mindful of those you surround yourself with.

A growth mindset is the belief that a person can get better and achieve success overtime with effort and practice. People with a growth mindset are more likely to be resilient, persistent, and motivated. They tend to embrace challenges, learn from criticism, and find inspiration in the success of others. They also view mistakes and setbacks as learning opportunities and can analyze their missteps to identify areas for improvement.  A growth mindset and a positive mindset goes hand in hand.

So, do not allow the negative and self-defeating image of self, that lowers consciousness, to dominate your thinking. You must rise above. The famous motivational speaker Les Brown once said, when negative inner conversations Tell you that you don't have the time or the money or the training or the contacts or you are not good enough, do this: ignore them and take action to change your situation.


3. Believe in yourself

Believe that you have what it takes. Believe that everything you need to live your best fulfilling life is already on the inside of you. Take for example, a fruit seed. Inside of a single fruit seed is a tree with leaves and branches. Inside of this same seed are lots of fruits. Inbuilt in the seed is a lot of potential. However, if that seed is not planted, watered with sunlight, and cared for, it will only remain a single dried-up seed forever. The same goes for you.

Inside of you is a lot of potential but that potential will remain dormant if it is not watered with sunlight and cared for; meaning, if you fail to see and recognize the potential within you so you do not tend to it and unleash it, then it remains like the seed, dried up, shriveled with no fruit. Do not become the dried-up seed. I once heard the late Dr. Myles Munroe say that the wealthiest place in all the earth is the cemetery because many have died and been buried there with all the potential within them that was never unleashed. The giftings, talents, and potential that they would have used to bless and serve the world. Do not let that be you. Believe in yourself and know that you have what it takes.

All our lives we have been told what we could not do, and too often we take that as fact. But people with limited visions of themselves cannot possibly have a larger vision of you. It is time for you to start telling yourself that you can do and then do it.”

– Les Brown.

4. Prepare for where you are going

There is a saying that goes, “when opportunity comes knocking, you better be prepared to open the door.” What that simply means is that we should prepare for the future or opportunity we want now and not wait till that opportunity arrives because by then it is too late. One thing I have come to understand in my journey so far is that opportunities only come to us when we are prepared to receive them. The universe was designed by God in a way that everything in it comes and conspires together and cooperates to present you everything you need only when you have gone through preparation for it. When you decide to take life on, it opens for you.

Now is the time to prepare; later is already too late!

Lastly, this may or may not be included in the list but, let intentionality and consistency be the driving force to keep you going in this new era of your life. I saw a quote from Business & Dreams that says, "the gap between the life you want and the life you're living is called mindset, focus, and consistency."

Remember, the only thing that can really stop you from living your dreams is you. Be willing to take charge of your life and change it for the better. Change is difficult but often essential to survival.

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